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We Love Our City

We partner with a variety of projects and ministries around our city & beyond to help bring reconciliation and redemption to the poor, marginalized and oppressed.

Justice Partnerships

Our vision is to partner with what God is already doing in our city and everywhere. To that end we partner with organizations already doing great work in our community.
Email Brittany Kurtz if you’d like to get involved in our work with any of these organizations.
Helping the homeless build a community of supports and providing a place of refuge on freezing nights.
Empowering teen moms through free self-sufficiency program in areas of education, housing, and early learning.
Supporting foster and adoptive families with the goal of seeing every child rise to their full potential.
Serving the poor by children’s feeding initiatives, community outreaches and disaster response.
Building bridges of authentic friendship with high schoolers.
Offering a comprehensive approach for families to become self-sufficient for life.
Connecting young people to hope through long-term mentoring relationships.
Influencing disadvantaged kids through academic tutoring, positive mentoring relationships and spiritual nurture.
Neighborhood-focused churches & pastors across denominations working together for the good of Denver.

Better together than we are alone.

We are part of the Mile High Vineyard, a growing network of Jesus-centered neighborhood churches around Denver who believe we are better together than we are alone. We share resources & vision but are grounded in our local neighborhoods.